Sunday, 14 February 2021


Today I ventured to Mass in Adam and Eve's Church, Merchants Quey in Dublin at Noon. It was a toss-up between Merchants Quey and Knock as the notifications popped up one after the other. But as I regularly join in the celebration of Mass in Knock during the week I said that I'd go back to Merchants Quey. Plus, I've been working on Sunday's so have had to get an earlier Mass, I missed Merchants Quey. 

Today the Gospel was about how Jesus healed the leper. In his homily, the priest spoke about the importance of human touch. And this got me thinking. With COVID one of the things that we are missing is the human touch. Even when you go to an interview the interviewer and interviewee cannot great each other with a handshake, no, no, can't be doing that, you'll spread germs and could pass on COVID if you have it, unbeknownst to yourself. You are not supposed to hug family or friends because of the fear of COVID. I was watching the Rugby today and those guys hugged after the match., So, is it okay to hug in some instances and not others? I'm sure these players were going home to family after the match. 

We wish friends or colleagues luck with a hug or a handshake. This human touch shows that we care, that we appreciate each other. But because of COVID we cannot touch in the same way. The new thing is touching elbows but really, it is not the same. I would much rather be offered a hug when saying goodbye or moving on from a job. I would much rather a handshake to welcome me into a new post, it is welcoming, caring and also gives me an idea of the kind of person that I will be working with, if the handshake is cold or warm.  But no, it's all elbows now. I'm glad that family ditched this rule at Christmas and I got to hug my Mum and my nephews. The smaller guy only gives a quick squeeze, possibly because of COVID but I'll take a quick squeeze rather than no squeeze. The other day in work the guy I was working with grabbed me by the hand, he was reaching out for the human touch., I just sat there with his hand in mine also staying aware of him and making sure he was okay that holding my hand was not a way of trying to communicate something else to me.  I was almost moved to tears by this human touch, it was only my second day to work with him and already he felt comfortable enough with me to take my hand. COVID rules would say no holding hands but what was I to do, tell this nonverbal autistic guy that he couldn't hold my hand because of COVID? I could have got a slap off him for that. No, I'll go with what my Service Users want and need and ensure to be following proper handwashing techniques and encouraging them to use proper handwashing techniques too. 

The human touch is so important in our lives, it helps us to feel important, cared about, part of something. I look forward to the day that I can shake a colleague's hand and hug friends and family. Bring back the human touch already!

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