Monday, 10 February 2025

Into the Deep Lk 5: 1-11

  Nothing in particular struck me about yesterdays Gospel when it was first read at Mass as it is a Gospel that I have heard multiple times. However, when the priest asked what this Gospel was saying to us the answer was clear for me. This Gospel for me is about trusting God.

In this passage Jesus tells Simon to go into deep water and cast his net for a catch. At first we see Simon hesitate as they had been out all night fishing and had caught nothing. But he trusted Jesus and did as he was instructed. And the reward was great, the fishermen filled two boats to sinking point. 

When is the last time that we fully trusted God? In a world filled with so much pain, suffering and injustice it can be hard to trust God. However, as Christians that is what we are called to do. God has a plan for each one of us. We need to trust this. God's plan is not always clear to us but there is always a plan. Trusting God has a plan when our world seems to be in turmoil is hard. But step back from the turmoil for a second and look around. Who or what is on your path to help you in the turmoil? God does not cause the turmoil but He will be sure to support you. If the support is not there for us in the form of another that means that God knows that we have the resources within ourselves to be the support. We cannot always see our abilities but God always sees them. As Blessed Teresa of Calcutta said, "I know God will not give me anything I cannot handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much." 

The Gospel for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary time Year C calls us to trust in God. Pray and trust. God answers all prayers, the answer may not be what we want but He does answer them. At times we need to be patient for the answers as God needs other things to happen first. To trust in  God is a huge ask at times but having trust will bring us so much closer to Him. 

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