Friday, 23 April 2021

Israel, Israel God is calling

 As I drove to work today 'Israel, Israel God is Calling' sang by Alex Boye came up on my Spotify playlist. At first, I think I skipped it but then I went back to it and the song is on repeat since, I cannot get enough of it. As I drove home from work this afternoon I was struck as I listened to the song to pen a blog entry.

'Israel, Israel God is calling'. This Sunday in the Catholic Church we celebrate Vocations Sunday. As I listen to this song I remember that God calls each and every one of us to have a relationship with Him, God is not only calling Israel. The fact that God is calling each and every one of us individually to have a relationship with him stricks me more deeply every time that I listen to Boye sing this song (the song is on repeat as I type). We all have a vocation in life, a calling from God. Vocation is not only about been called to religious life. Our vocation is what God wants us to do with our lives, the way He wants us to live. And each and every one of us has our own individual vocation in life. Even in a monastery where you have a group of religious living in a community each monk or nun has their own individual vocation. Yes, they are sharing the vocation of religious life as they live as part of the same religious order but God has an individual plan for each and every one of them. God will have a different relationship with them all, an individual relationship. God's relationship with Br Joe will not be the exact same relationship that He has with Br John. You may find similarities but no two relationships will be the same.

As I was speaking to my colleague earlier we got into a deep conversation, we have those kinds of chats at times, very interesting indeed. As I spoke to him I told him how somebody I am working closely with on my personal journey reminded me last week that God does not make mistakes. This really floored me, to argue with that statement would have meant dismissing a vital part of my faith. I feel that since she said this something has shifted in me. But I did admit to my colleague earlier that I do not think of God much in my day, morning, and evening as I sit and pray. God is calling me to a relationship with Him. How can I expect to have a relationship with God, know my true vocation if I do not spend time with Him throughout the day? 

Even if you are well established on your journey in life, in your vocation take some time as we approach Vocations Sunday to sit with God and check in to see what He wants of you. God is calling, are you listening? Will you respond?

'My brother, my Sister, God is calling'.

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