Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Getting help

 If the word gives you lemons make lemonade.... Sometimes in order to make lemonade we need help as we cannot make it alone. There is no shame in asking for help and support during difficult times in life. At times such as relationship break ups support from friends can suffice to help us to make sense of what is going on. Then there are other difficulties in life where we need more support than what family or friends can offer. At times we need professional help. If there was something amiss with your arm or leg you would seek professional medical help to get it fixed. If you are struggling to make sense of personal issues, if you cannot get your head around something you also need professional help. For some people a bit of time away, head space, can help clear the head but for others more support is needed. There is no shame in asking for help in any aspect in life. I feel that there is a taboo around getting help with head problems, problems that people cannot physically see. People are afraid that others will judge them because they are getting counselling or psychotherapy. People should not be worried about what others may think, it's none of there business. There are 2 sides of your health that you need to look after in life, your physical health and your mental health. In order to get through life you need to look after both, not just the physical. If you are feeling overwhelmed in life take a step back, say no, take time for you. And if you feel you need professional help seek it out. Go to your doctor first and tell him or her what is going on. And take it from there. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your doctor there is nothing stopping you going on the great invention that is the world wide web and looking up counselors in your locality and making contact directly. Don't sacrifice your mental health for somebody else, it is not worth it. You are the most important person in your life, you deserve to be happy in all that you do. If you need professional help in being truly happy seek it out, you are worth the effort. Support from friends can be great. Sometimes the best support a friend can give is to listen and simply advise that you need professional support. They don't do this because they don't care. Actually they do this because they DO care. They are not trying to brush you off. They know that they cannot give you the help and support you need and they feel a professional will be able to give the support that you require. Listen to your friends, when you cannot see clearly because there is so much going on in your head your friends can be your eyes and direct you. Friends are not professional counsellors. Even if they have training in the area of counselling or psychotherapy they cannot be your friend and your counsellor. Sometimes you need an unbiased opinion and friends cannot give you this, you need the professional who doesn't know you.

So, if you are feeling down and out, like the world is doomed and you are going nowhere in life seek out professional help. Remember....... It is OK to not be OK. Get the help and support you need and deserve. 

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