Monday, 16 June 2014

Beatitudes for our time

Blessed are you,  when you remain available,  sharing in simplicity what you possess.

Blessed are you,  when you weep over the absence of happiness around you and throughout the world.

Blessed are you,  when you opt for the gentleness and dialogue even when this seems long and difficult.

Blessed are you,  when you creatively devise new ways of donating your time,  your tenderness and gems of hope.

Blessed are you,  when you listen with your heart to detect what is gift in others.

Blessed are you,  when you strive to take the first step,  the necessary one to attain peace with brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Blessed are you,  when you keep in your heart wonderment,  openness and a free questioning of life.

Blessed are you,  when you take seriously n your faith in the Risen Christ.

Author: Louise Helene Renou.

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