Matt 13:1-23
The Gospel at Mass from the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time is one that I know well. While I am used to hearing the passage it still struck me this weekend. While the Gospel from the weekend is Matthew 13:1-23 there are two parts in particular that I was struck by, 13: 3-8 and 13:18-23. The first part is about the sowing of the seed while the second part is Jesus explaining the parable. It was very much very much part of the ministry of Jesus to teach those around him in parables. Why? Jesus spoke in parables so that only those who were meant to understand his teaching could understand it. Those who did not understand were not outside of the pack necessarily but were not ready to understand the teaching. In life we may not understand something said to us today but in a few months time we might because we are ready to hear it, the penny can drop down the line. There was something blocking us from understanding it when we first heard it, there was another bit of work to happen first. God will not give us anything that we cannot handle. We must remember this when life seems difficult and we feel like we are not getting anywhere, with patience and God on our side we will get there. We will get to a point where we can understand the meaning.
Back to the Gospel and to link the two passages. In order for a seed to grow to it's full potential the conditions have to be right, there has to be good soil and adequate water in order for it to be nourished and grow. We too as Christians need the things which nourish us in order for our faith to grow and indeed for us to grow as persons to reach our full potential. We all grow at different speeds and just because the guy or girl over there has everything by the age of 30 does not mean that we have to have everything figured out and everything going for us by the time we are 30. We are all a work in progress. To keep our faith strong and grounded we turn to the pillars or our faith and link in with others in our faith community. This is important because without it we will crumble. In life too we must draw on the resources that will help us grow, whether that is chatting a friend, seeking professional help, just being out in nature, practicing mindfulness. Whatever helps you to nourish yourself and aid in your growth do it. Just ensure to carry with you at all times a kind heart so as not to hurt others along the way. Don't get so wrapped in in helping ourselves that we forget that there are other people in our lives, in the world. If you find yourself stuck ask for help. I know that the last few months have been hard on people as we could not meet up with people or go to those places that help us to be ourselves, recharge and keep perspective. But now is the time to start doing more stuff that we love in order to help us grow. If you feel like everything is getting in on you, drop everything and get out of where you are. Change the environment and then you will feel like you can breath again. I think that during the lock-down a lot of people got sick of looking at the same building everyday. Well now is the time to get out of the building and live a little, go away for the day or even a few days, change it up. Do not try to rush your journey just because your friend has it all sussed out. Be present, enjoy the moment and do with it.But do not feel stuck just because your friend seems to have the perfect life. Having material possessions does not mean that a person has the perfect life. Even if you have all the latest gadgets does not mean that you are happy with the person that you are. Do all that you can to nourish your growth and reach your full potential. Remember, like the seed in the Gospel, without good conditions to nourish we cannot grow.
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