So on Monday June 8th, here in Ireland we entered phase 2 of coming out of the lockdown of the country due to COVID 19. Phase 2 basically extended the distance that we could travel from 5KM to 20 KM, more shops were allowed to open and people are now allowed to meet in groups of 6. When out on the road on Monday we noticed and commented on the vast increase in vehicles on the road. There was a slight increase in vehicles on the road when we entered phase 1. However, that increase is nothing in comparison to the increase this week. It is as if we are over the pandemic and the country has returned to normal. But we still have a long way to go. And if their is an increase in cases during a particular phase the Government can bring us back a phase or many phases depending on circumstances. At the end of the day the main concern of the Government in this are people and their health.
We decided to take a stroll into town on Tuesday, June 9th, I wanted a Frappuccino. The first thing that struck me as we drove into town was the traffic on the main street. For a country that was not fully out of lockdown the traffic was mental. We parked up the car and went down to get coffee. There wasn't too many people walking the streets, although I suspect there were still more than was needed to be in town. We got down to the coffee place. As suspected they were not allowing people into the shop. Instead people ordered and collected at the door. I was struck by the fact that there were people sitting outside the shop at tables, in close proximity to each other. We did not stay and I think this was the reason. In my eyes that restaurant should not have been allowed to open for take away food and coffee as it is a building in an indoor complex. This gave people the opportunity to congregate. Hard for people to maintain the 2 metre social distance in that small space. We then went out to the McDonald's drive thru but when we seen the q waiting we just went home. It was madness, you'd swear the world was about to end and everyone needed to eat crap food now! All I wanted was a Frappuccino!
People really need to abide by the Government guidelines in relation to the different phases of opening back up the country. You are not just doing this for yourself but for everybody in the country. Some people haven't seen their family in months because of the restrictions! And the stupidity of people who go out just because they can increases the risk of us going backwards rather than forward. I would say that a lot of people have received a knock to their mental health since the beginning but please, we need to see this out for the good of all. We will get through this, lets not become complacent now. Think before you go out, 'Do I really need x or y? Do I really need to go out to the shop?' You are not just doing this for yourself but for us all. If your mental health is declining reach out for help. Get out and walk, listen to music. Don't be stuck in the house all day on your own.
We will get through this.
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