Friday 14 July 2017

Part 1 of my finally pre trip entry

With only a couple of days to go until I leave for Uganda I thought I would post a quick entry. A couple of things happened this week that have me really settled on going.

I spent a few days in the lovely Knock this week. After my exams I needed to recharge after my exams and before I head off. And what a lovely few days I had. When I got back to Carlow a neighbour said I looked well so the few days really did help me. The lovely air of Knock also cleared up my hayfever and the throat was totally pain free by the time I left. I dunno if it will last long but at least I know doc was right with his diagnosis and there are things I can do to help it.

On Monday as i walked into the Shrine I bumped into a missionary I know. Haven't seen him in a while so we caught up briefly, he said hi to some yanks and Aussies and we walked out the gate together. When I told him I was going to Uganda he asked me was I excited. I told him I was nervous, anxious etc. His next piece of advice was something I am bringing with me to Uganda. He said to acknowledge the fear but to go over open to what Uganda has to offer. If i let the fear dominate i won't get the same out of the time there. This sounded a bit psychological so I had to look at him again to confirm it was Gary and not Seamus I was talking to, what he said was very Seamus Whitney like.  After talking for a few minutes and we parted. I left him feeling a lot lighter. Then on Tuesday Fr Richard's homily was great and I could link it to my trip. He spoke of how we all have potential to show. I am going to Uganda with the potential to do something  (Not sure what) to help the children while I'm there.

So...... where am I. With two and a half days to go I'm not packed but know what I'm bringing.  I tried to register with the embassy last night but as I need my passport number and my passport is not currently in the same place as me I will have to wait until I get back to Carlow. I realised the other day that the first leg of our flight is actually 6 hours not 8 so that's great news, I forgot the time difference between Ireland and Africa. All Medication got and suncream. A little more money to lodge and pack and I'm off.

Almost there now

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Gospel Reflection Lk 22: 24-30

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