Saturday 15 July 2017

Part 2 of my final pre trip post

Yesterday I was under pressure so did not get to write as much as I wanted. So this is the conclusion of last night's post. It will also probably be my last post as tomorrow I need to pack, cut the lawn, clean the house at.

This morning I started my antimalaria tablets, hoping I don't have a reaction as I don't have time to go to the doc to get a different antimalaria tablet.

Last weekend I started saying my goodbyes, my first goodbye was my Parish Priest, he goes to Lourdes tomorrow and I knew I wouldn't see him before that. On Thursday I went home to my mammy and stayed until today (Saturday) as the girls of the family brought me for dinner last night. The harder goodbyes started Thursday with little Joey and then Oisin. It was hard leaving Tullamore today as I knew it would be my last time home for over a month.

So now I am back in Carlow and it is less than 48 hours before I'll be on a plane half way through the first leg of my trip to Uganda, first stop Ethiopia to wait in an airport for about 5 hours for our flight to Uganda. I finally got to see the person who I will be spending 4 weeks with, we skyped this evening. Was great to put a face to the name. She seems lovely and I think Fiona is right that we will get on great. Also it was great to see that she is as nervous as me. Well I'm not sure I'm as nervous as her as I'm taking Gary's advice and not letting my fear dominate. Yes, I am nervous but I am excited, I'm looking forward to arriving in Uganda and working with the kids.

I said I had all my meds but there was one more I had to get today and get a few last things in the chemist. When I got back to Carlow i put the majority of my meds and creams etc on the table..... Ah here, I'm bringing loads! Could start a little chemist. But sure as they say it's better to have than not to want....

My goodbyes are important right now. Last Friday week, July 7th I said a goodbye but this was one friend I had to see one last time before I went so I went over Friday the 14th. I suppose this desire to say goodbye again came from my anxiey around going. A nice meeting. I didn't purposely plan to meet on my birthday, it just happened to be the best day for us both. I got a great surprise when they had a cake for me. When they text me earlier in the day to wish me a happy birthday they said they would get baking the cake but I thought they were messing. Ok, they didn't personally make it but they got it for me which was lovely of them. That goodbye wasn't easy either, I don't know if I'll be able to turn to this rock if I'm struggling over there! I also bumped into someone else when I was in the area. She reminded me that Uganda was the place of Maryters and to make sure i come home. Ha, that didn't help the anxiety especially since those Maryters died in the 70s I think one of the Kiltegans told me. Goodbye to most of my neighbours tomorrow and a couple of goodbye phone calls to make too. After mass Monday morning Fr Sean will send me off with a blessing, i leavd town at 3. I got two blessings already for my travels in Knock last week.

My brother tried to scare the crap out of me Thursday night, first his talk about snakes and spiders and then saying that he hoped our driver had a machine gun! The gun comment was scary as I'm pretty confident we aren't in an area where snakes are common.

So that's me. 2 more sleeps....... I may pack!

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