Sunday 30 July 2017

Gospel reflection 16th Sunday in ordinary time

My time in Uganda is as much about the things along the way that strike a cord or make me stand back as well as about the kids I am working with. One such thing was the Gospel at mass last Sunday. I had meant to take some time to write a small reflection but unfortunately I did not get a chance until today.

On the 15th Sunday of Ordinary time we had the parable of the sower, this could also be seen as the parable of the soil. In order to grow the seed needs good soil. In order for us to grow in life, in faith, we too need a foundation that nourishes.

Last Sunday again we hear Jesus speak in parables. Again he speaks of sowing seed. This time it is about darnel growing among the good plants. Darnel was bad, it served no purpose. The servants wanted to pick out the bad but the master told them to leave. Why leave in the darnel if it served no purpose? By weeding the darnel they may have also destroyed the good seed. So, let it all grow and then separate the good and bad. We are all created as good people. However, at times we do not do good things. Regardless of the bad things we do God always loves us and He sees the good in us. God wills us to be good. He does not see the bad, just the good. God does not condemn us for the mistakes we make in life so why should we condemn? We are all sinners, this is a fact, but sin is just a bump in the road. We are called to repent and continue our journey with God. We must remember that we are good people and no matter what bad we do in life we can return to this goodness for it is the potential of our lives. Like the darnel among the plants our sin can be plucked out at the right time. At times it cannot be got rid of straight away, it can take time but God doesn't see the darnel but the good plant.

On the 17th Sunday in ordinary time we hear Jesus again teaching in parables. Why does Jesus teach so often using parables? The whole of the crowds listening did not understand what he was saying. This was the point of the parables, only those who were meant to understand the message would understand the parable, for the rest of the crowd they were blinded as to what these parables meant.

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Gospel Reflection Lk 22: 24-30

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