Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Taking Care of Self

In the space of 24 hours, less, I went from this

Happy, feeling satisfied, to this

numb, low, and defeated. Amazing how a mood can change so quickly. I got up this morning ready for an appointment which included space after to take care of myself. But then I got a text to cancel the appointment. I was disappointed but I decided to still go to that place. My mood was low and I knew I needed time out for myself. I knew staying at home mopping around would achieve nothing. At the moment I am up to eyes with an assignment, the deadline is looming. The cancellation of the appointment meant that I could have used this time to work on the assignment. But I did not care. I needed to take time out. And maybe even by taking time out, I would be better able to focus on the assignment. 

So, off I went as soon as I was ready. When I got to my destination I delivered a book and went straight down to the wood. For a change, I decided to take the long route down to my tree. Something was processing in me and I needed to walk with that before I sat. On the tree, by the river, I sat. I felt I could have stayed there all day, it was so peaceful and calm. But after about half an hour I knew I had to move as I knew there was a chance that sitting would turn into wallowing. I got up and headed out of the forest. And I walked out of that forest with a sense of purpose and determination. I was more at ease having taken the time to just be still and present. An hour later I was smiling again, something I had not been able to do all morning. 

Moods can change so quickly. It is so important when we notice our moods dropping that we take time to do the things we know will help us. Whether that is taking time out, away from people, exercising, or connecting with a friend. Whatever we know will help we must do at these times. Trying to function as normal can be more damaging to us and the people around us than if we take that five minutes, that hour, that day, or however long we need to look after ourselves. Due to the responsibilities that we all have in life, it is not always possible to take time out straight away. But we should acknowledge how we are feeling and ensure to make time for ourselves as soon as possible. We are no good to others if we do not look after ourselves. Before we can be there for other people we first need to be there for ourselves.

Did I solve the world's problems today by taking time out for myself? Not even a bit. I did not figure out why my mood had dipped so much either. But I do feel clearer having taken time out, in a better place that the space is clear to process. Weekly I try to take time out in nature to just be. I did not do that last week and that might have contributed to the drop in mood. So, going forward I will be more conscious of taking time every week to be outside, walking and sitting in nature, just being present. 

Tending to a low mood is not always about figuring out why we feel so low. Sometimes simply taking time out is enough. The unconscious has a way of only giving us what we can handle. When we are able to deal with what is wrong the unconscious will make us aware of what that is.

Remember, acknowledge low moods and deal with them by taking time for yourself.

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