Thursday, 16 June 2022

Just Play

 I have worked with children in residential care since October 2021. Prior to that, I worked with a young adult who had autism and was non verbal. It was when I was working with this young man that I started to really think about the activity he chose to do especially in the art room. We lay out materials for him. We generally started with art materials. He was often slow to engage and we tried to further encourage him my doing some art ourselves. But maybe he was slow to engage because he did not want to do art. Who were we to dictate that the young lad start with art? After the art, the puzzles and clay came out. I let him choose what he wanted to do. As I sat back and watched to see which activity he picked I wondered why he picked the clay or the particular puzzle he decided to make. What was going on in the head of this lad? 

Children do not play just for the sake of playing. The child who wants to play Uno or a board game is looking for companionship. Little Tommy who plays with cars, yes he loves his cars but it is interesting to observe what he is doing with the cars. This can give great insight of what is going on for him and give an idea of what he is trying to process. He wants you to play care with him because he wants to spend time with you. Children can work through stuff through their play. They don't always need to talk in order to process and understand. Through play, they can make sense of what is going on for them. Children's brains are different than adults' brains so they process differently. It is our job as adults to facilitate safe spaces to play for children so that they can process the difficulties that they are having. Also, we need to be there for children during their playtime so that they can share and talk out stuff that they need help understanding. It is not our job to tell children how they are feeling. However, through play and art, we can help the child to explore their feelings, letting them name the feeling and support them to to work through it.  

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