Sunday 24 December 2017


Christmas is a time of joy and happiness for many people. However, for some, it is not a joyous occasion for various reasons. This year like years passed there are people who find themselves homeless. I pray that this year there is nobody forced to sleep on our streets and that while they may not have a place to call home that they at least have a bed to sleep in and a roof over their head. Over the last few days, there has also been a number of tragic events in the world that will change the way people will enjoy the Christmas. I especially think of those affected by the incident in Melbourne and those in the Philliphines. Today news emerged of deaths due to storm and a mall fire in the Philliphines. These three incidents are just an example of the tragic events that have occurred around the world on the lead up to Christmas, I am sure there are many more.

Something a lady said to me the other day has stuck with me this Christmas..... For some, Christmas is a low time. As many may know in 2010 my aunt left this world on December 27th so for me Christmas lost its joy for a few years. Then my nephews came along and I was reminded of the importance of Christmas. The kids brought Santa back into our Christmas and one could not help but be happy with these two little guys. Thinking of the different bereavements that I have experienced in the last few years this year I think of those whose Christmas will not be the same because they are facing Christmas without a loved one. Possibly their first Christmas without a particular loved one or another Christmas without them and they still find it hard. A loved one is not just a phone call away for these people this Christmas. So tonight I will think of these people especially those I know that are missing a loved one at the table, as part of their Christmas. I hope to light a candle tonight and again tomorrow in memory of those who I am missing this Christmas. While I am joyous at Christmas time a part of me is missing and this light will remind me that in spirit they are still with me.

Christmas has become very commercialised in the last few years and I cannot help but feel that we have forgotten the real meaning of Christmas. During the week I was at a carol service. The theme of the carol service was 'Christmas begins with Christ' and how true this was. Without Christ, we would not have Christmas. I feel because of how commercialised Chrismas has become we have forgotten this, we are not reminded enough. Take a moment to think of Christ this Christmas. Christmas is a time for family, enjoy it. You do not have to think of Christ all day. Take a moment for Him and then just enjoy your time with family. Being with family and having a joyous time is the perfect way to praise Christ and think of Him.

May the Peace of the Christ Child be with you this Christmas season.

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