Sunday 15 May 2016


For some time I have wanted to write a blog entry on suicide but I always thought it was better for me to stay away from the topic as it was something which has affected me personally. However, on Friday I heard of another young person here in Carlow who died by suicide so I feel compelled to write something.

Over the last few months I have heard of two young people in Carlow dying by suicide, both under the age of 16. Hearing of these suicides as well as trying to cope with suicide has left me with a heavy heart. When I heard of the second on Friday I just thought to myself, 'what is wrong with the world?' With the advancement in the world with technology and the like we still witness people taking their own lives. For me this is soso wrong. It is wrong that with everything in the country that people still feel that the only way to heal the emotional pain they are feeling is to die. I don't feel anyone could say that this is okay. What do we need to do to stop this? How can we ensure that people in need can feel that they have people they can open up to about stuff rather than feeling that they have to handle the pain themselves?

Lives are wasted by suicide as people die before their time. People of every age from the young to old are dying this way, it has to end! It is not just about those left behind but the one who has died had more life to live! Putting an end to suicide is not about making people who are contemplating it feel guilty about feeling the way they do. Nor can we tell them that we know how they feel for we all experience things in different ways. But we can empathise with them  and just be there for them as a listening ear when they need to talk. We all go through hard times so while we do not know exactly how another is feeling we may have had similar experiences and we all know what it is like to feel pain!

Be nice to people you meet for you do not know what they are trying to handle! Also, make time for your friends and family, make sure that they know that they have someone to talk to no matter what is going on for them. Feeling like you have nobody who really cares can be hard. We all need friends and sometimes just hanging out can be as helpful as talking things out. Hanging out helps take our minds off things. Just be there for your friends. Spending time with another can be the greatest gift that we can give, make time for people. When we do not have time in our lives for our family and friends we need to seriously stop and take stock, access what is more important, the people in our lives or other things!

Remember, she is someone's sister, daughter, aunt, niece or grandaughter. He is someones son, brother, uncle, nephew or grandson. I know myself personally that if any of my brothers or nephews (when they get older) were struggling and felt they could not turn to me I would like to know that there was at least one person they felt they could turn to talk, somebody that would really listen and support them.

And for those who are struggling with life, remember you are loved. Whatever is going on in life for you you will get through it, it might take time but you can get there. Suidide is not the answer. Don't give up when things get hard, Pick up that phone and make that call or send that message to tell somebody that you need to talk, that you are struggling. Do not be afraid to ask for help, reach out.

It is okay not to be okay. It is okay to admit that life is hard right now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reach out for help.

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