Thursday, 10 September 2015

The Present

Over the last few weeks I have seen a reoccurring theme and not just among conversations with friends. I suppose it really hit home Tuesday night when the priest giving the homily at the closing mass of the pilgrimage season on Our Lady's Island mentioned it to, I'm raging that I don't remember the lovely one liner he used. The theme I talk about here is 'The Present.' In order to get the most out of life we need to be present in the here and now. Should we spend all our time preoccupied, worrying about the future or what happened in the past we miss out on our lives now! And the now is what matters. We have enough on our plate today without taking on the worries of what tomorrow might hold for us. We can't undo what happened in the past either and being preoccupied with the past will have us miss out on now. When we get to tomorrow then we can face the problems that day hold for us and hopefully we will have dealt with and overcome the problems of yesterday. But even if we haven't been able to overcome yesterdays struggle we will be in a different place to deal with it and will be on the road to overcoming it. 

All we can do is to take one day at a time. It is nice to have things to look forward to in the future but in essence we need to deal with today before we can face tomorrow for tomorrow hasn't happened yet. With all this talk I have been hearing about living in the now and being present I can't help but remember what that priest from a December retreat a few years ago said, 'the past is history, the future a mystery, the present is a gift.' So don't be worried about what might be, only be concerned with the now and what you can do now. What you do today helps to shape your tomorrow.

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