Saturday 4 July 2015

Who we are

So a few months ago I got thinking about how we introduce ourselves. How often I have been at something and everyone introduces themselves It is common in such introductions to hear about what people work at, their families and what they like to do in life. But I wonder...... is that really the right way to introduce yourself to people, is your work and family who you are?

When I think about this question I know that there is so much more to us than our family, work and hobbies. Many people can be shaped by such things but I don't believe that is who we really are. Our inner qualities are who we are and our physical make up. We should not let ourselves be defined by anxiety or depressive episodes we go through. Everybody goes through hard times in their lives but everybody also has the ability to get through these hard times. We just need to make the decision to get through it and believe that we can do it. We can do anything we set our minds to. Unfortunately some stuff is harder to get through but we can do it. Don't let the past define you. Remember your inner qualities are who you are, not your past, your anxiety/ depressive episodes or the physical things in your live. You would still be you without these physical things.

If I was asked to introduce myself my introduction would go something like this:

My name is Melissa, I am 26. I am a kind, compassionate, loving person. I am also intelligent and often selfless. I am also a good singer.

That's who I am, that's my introduction. The fact that I have a degree in Social Studies or am currently doing a degree in Theology is not who I am so is not part of my introduction. Nor is the fact that I am a scouter, in a Gospel choir and enjoying going to the gym and swimming.

Next time you are asked to introduction take a minute to reflect on who you really are....

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