Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Gospel Reflection Lk 22: 24-30

On Saturday I was struck by the Gospel for the second day in a row. Odd, I don't know if it was because of the place I was in or mearly the fact that in this place I had slowed down and the readings had more of a chance to speak to me. 

On Saturday we celebrated the Feast of St Gregory the Great. The Gospel reading was short but to me very powerful. In it, the disciples were arguing about which one of them was the greatest. Jesus put a question to them, He asked, who is the greater, the one at table or the one who serves?' The obvious answer is the one at table and while Jesus himself said this He pointed out that He was with them as one who serves. 

It does not matter if we are servant or King, in God's eyes we are equally important in the world. For me, that was the message of Saturday's Gospel. We are equally important we should treat one another with equal respect. 

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