Tuesday 3 January 2017

A few things I learned in 2016

I can do anything I set my mind to.

A college course is not about getting top marks, the most important thing is that you are learning from what you are studying.

And sticking with college, some people are stronger in essays while others are stronger in exams.

Be careful of what you write, know what the marker is looking for and don't go off on what you think is a good point to find out that it is totally not what is being looked for. If you wanted to do an essay on Descartes there was a separate question on the guy!

We are prone to focus on the negative...... So if you tell me x y and z are my weak areas I will possibly get all offended and upset but if you rephrase that to say something like 'points to note' I'll take that on board as saying that these are areas that could be further developed but not necessarily that I did not do well. It is an Irish thing I think.

I can change my mindset to change how I take what a person says to me. The wording they use should be irrelevant, it is how I interpret it that is important.

Words have a tendency to get misinterpreted via text, this can lead to problems.

Vodafone are a bunch of....... Still waiting for my refund!!!

Don't give up on a friendship because ye fell out and people tell you to move on and forget them. Seek out that friend who really knows you and encourages you to mend the broken friendship. Then take the leap and make the first move.

I am seen as a burden to at least one friend...... That hurts.

When a friend gets stern it is not because they are sick of listening or want to be mean but they see that you have got a little stuck and need a push to pick yourself up!

A true friend will just sit there while you cry your heart out, they will even go as far as encourage you to cry when you try to snap out of it, they know there are more tears there. (That is kind of 2015 but meant a lot and am sure it happened in 2016 too).

A person who is there for you, sometimes for a simple hug, at the drop of a hat is an example of a true friend, one who puts you first when you need it most.

A real friend will make time for you.

Humanity is often selfish.

Some people are real hypocrites. (not a judgement just a sad fact.

It is difficult to change our ways but if we really want to we can.

I am doing okay. It hasn't been a walk in the park but I am doing well. Some would even say that I have progressed.

It is hard to see your own progress in life.

Sometimes you have to pick and choose the advice you listen to. Don't let anyone tell you that you need to 'get over' your grief, especially if this is a person who has not been with you from the start of the journey.

Just because one person would never say x doesn't mean that another person does not have to right to say it.

Having children doesn't stop you from having a life, I always thought it at least changes your life that you can't be going out near as much or keeping up leisure activities as much but seemingly you can.

People take advantage of kindhearted people and either do not realise they are or do realise and do it anyhow. The kindhearted is too kind to say anything to them!

Israel and Palestine are really lovely countries.

In God I trust

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