Sunday 6 March 2016

Gospel Reflection 4th Sunday of Lent

Today at mass we read a Gospel passage that I think we are all familiar with, the Gospel included the parable of the prodigal son. Before mass started I had a chance to read over the Gospel myself. As soon as I realised it was the prodigal son Gospel I felt that I had heard the Gospel recently. I think it was during our parish mission recently. Or maybe it was at mass during the week. 

So, what was the Gospel about today? Yes, it was about the prodigal son who spent all his inheritance. When he had spent it all, worked and got nothing in return he had enough. He realised that even his fathers servants got treated better than he did. So, he planned to return to his father and admit his faults in the hope that his father would take him on as a servant. However, this is not how his return happened. When he was still some distance from home his father saw him. His father ran to him and embraced him in his arms. His son was lost and now was found. He had returned. To celebrate this the father had a feast, killing the calf they had been fattening. The father had two sons, the son who had stayed with his father all his life was not happy that such a fuss was been made for his brother who had abandoned them once and now came back because he had nothing left. The father explained to the unhappy son that all his father had was his. His brother had returned after been lost, this called for a celebration, he was home again.

In the Gospels there is a message for us. What is the Gospel of the fourth Sunday of Lent telling us? Even though the Gospel includes the passage of the prodigal son we must bear in mind who Jesus was telling this parable too. He was addressing the scribes and the Pharisees who were complaining 'This man' they said 'welcomes sinners and eats with them.' I feel this really sets the theme for the Gospel.The message which Jesus is trying to convey to his listeners and to us the readers is that even when we sin we are always welcome home. There is nothing which we can do that God can not forgive us for. When we are lost in life we most always remember that God always has a place for us. He is waiting for us like the father in today's Gospel. Even when our faith seems to be shaken God never loses faith in us. This reminds me of the song 'The love I have for you' by Carey Landry. God's love for us is greater than the love that we can have for Him. He belief in us will never cease and is always great. Our lives are always in His hands. When we sin we can always come back to Him, He is awaiting our return always. To me that is the message of today's Gospel  

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