I was chatting a guy today in the steam room. our topic of choice is very fitting for this blog entry. I started the conversation by saying it wasn't a bad day today. We went from the weather to it is what you make it and you are not defined by what you like. He also said that I would make a good motivational speaker.
The other day I was chatting a friend. He said if a person can have 1 good day they can have 2 good days. In my head I was screaming "to hell with 2 good days if they can have 1 good day they can have 7 good days a week." He proceeded to ask me how a person can have 2 good days. I found this question funny for a counsellor was asking an ordinary person this question. I didn't answer him at the time but I should of. Here are my thoughts on how to make every day a good day.
We are what we make ourselves to be and what we tell ourselves we are. So if we tell ourselves that we are good people and choose to be happy we will have a good day. The key is telling ourselves that every day. It is not always easy to believe we are "one of the good guys." Our positive self image can be damaged by negative people, things not going the way we want them to go and when we "fall."
Negative people:
How do you not let negative people affect our good moods. Well the easiest way would be to cut them out of our lives but there are friends who are great when they are not in negative mode and you value their friendship. So the key is to not take on other people's "crap." This doesn't mean we don't listen when a friend is in need of a chat, happily listen and offer support, after all a friend in need is a friend indeed. Plus some day you may need the favour returned. Remember tho it is their "crap" letting it bring you down will neither b of any help to you or to them. If someones issues bring things up for you make sure to seek support for yourself. We all have our moments when everything seems wrong with the world. Remind a friend in a negative mood that it ain't all doom and gloom. Remind them what they have, not just te material things but the love of family and friends.
Things not going the way we want:
No quick fix to this one. Unfortunately things don't always go the way we would like. Shit happens, accept what has happened, make the best of it and get on with it. After all we only get what we put in to life.
When we "fall":
I use the word fall here to describe sin. When we fall and we all will for we are only human, don't lose heart. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. If your fall warrants it, go to confession. Don't panic is you can't get to confession straight away, get there as soon as you can. We are our own worst judge. God is thebonly one who has any right to judge us. Be gentle with yourself. Remember you are human and sin is part of our nature unfortunately. Nobody is perfect, ask for help when you fall especially if you are falling at the same things. We are not meant to carry our cross alone. Don't forget Jesus fell 3 times on the road to calvary and He needed someone to help Him carry His cross.
So PMA Positive Mental Attitude. You get what you put into life. Make the conscious decision that every day will be a good day and it will. And always tell yourself that you are a good person. You are not defined by what you look or who you follow, for example I am a man United fan, all good and well but that's not who I am, there is more to me than who I follow.
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