I was at a retreat recently. On the first evening we were looking at Pope Francis' Encyclical letter Dilexit Nos. This Encyclical looks at love, human and Divine. In the course of our conversation the retreat facilitator asked us if Jesus was wise. I felt this was a trick question, I felt to say yes would have been too straight forward. Yes, as Christians we believe that Jesus, as the Son of God, was great. But was he wise? With greatness does not always come wisdom. As I thought about this question I was swayed towards a no, that Jesus was not wise. He attracted people and never had real time for himself. We need to look after ourselves in order to care for others. If Jesus wasn't surrounded by the locals in the area he was in he always had his disciples with him. But he got small pockets of time I am sure to be alone, to speak with his Father.
I sat with this question during evening prayer this week and my thinking changed from, 'He was not wise' to , 'yes, Jesus was wise'. Jesus did not start his public ministry until he was 30. So He had 30 years to enjoy life, build relationships, gather the people who were going to be his closest followers and learn more about the will of his Father and what God wanted him to do. Quietly He was preparing for his public ministry. A wise minister takes time to prepare before they deliver. In the Gospel we read how as a child Jesus was found in the temple doing his Father's work, Jesus was spending time with his Father in Heaven. At the time the Jewish custom was that a man was not mature enough to be a Rabbi until he reached the age of 30. So Jesus was restricted by this. Also, we know from Scripture that Jesus was not always a person to keep the rules, it was more important for Jesus to do the will of God. So, if He wanted Jesus could have began His public ministry earlier than was custom. It would not have been received well by the authorities and he would have faced a lot of opposition so the wise thing to do was to wait and to prepare so that He could give His all.
In answer to the question, 'Was Jesus wise?' My answer after some thought and prayer is Jesus, Jesus was wise for he spent time preparing for His public ministry before starting on that chapter of His journey.