Sunday 8 April 2018

The Value of space

This week I was lucky to be in a position to get away for a few days, we were scheduled off the study for the week and I had no meeting with my JPII's so I was free to go. And what a fitting week to take time out, Easter Week. My first stop was Glencairn to catch up with one of the nuns. And then it was down to Mount Melleray. I got a great welcome in Melleray by the Guestmaster and after vespers from the Abbot. But then something did not feel right. I soon realised that it had hit me that I was away from the busyness of my life with no responsibilities and I didn't have to be anywhere, just there. Thi for me was Heaven. Lent was a busy time for me between college, the snow delayed us starting the semester, my JPII's, Holy week stuff and personal challenges. During Lent I did take time out when things were getting in on me but that time was only a few hours and I knew I had stuff to do so didn't always take the time I needed. I had one responsibility on Wednesday morning from Carlow to sort but having come up against a wall I parked it and returned to what I was in Melleray to do, be still, a few days was not going to make a difference. Needing to leave the monastic setting to sort car trouble was difficult for me, once I drive in those gates I enter a certain mindset but the car trouble was forcing me to leave the mindset. In saying that, getting the car sorted meant that I wouldn't be worrying about it for the rest of the week and could concentrate on what I was there to do. On my second last day, I made sure to get some me time, A friend showed his face on Wednesday and that kept me in company, but I knew I needed me time. I spent time over my last two days just being present, not analyzing what was going on for me internally, but just letting myself feel it in the presence of God. Feeling can be scary but trusting God can make it easier.

I returned to Carlow with a great appreciation of the value of space. As things were not always going according to how I wanted I soon learned that my few days away were going according to God's plan, not mine. It is rather irritating when my plan and His are not the same but during this visit, my faith in God's plan and the trust I need in Him and His plan grew a lot.

When you take time out and space this is when you can really recharge. It is quite easy to lose perspective when you get really busy with life. Taking time out, space, gave me a great sense of being able to breathe again. I had not realised that I felt unable to breathe over the last few weeks and I don't think I would have if I did not take a few days off. I sat with nature, walked with nature and spent time with God. Even when I was with people God was there. Taking time out, in my opinion, is a vital tool in helping to get the balance back in life. It reminds us that there is more to life than always rushing around. When we are constantly running around we can easily miss the opportunities to appreciate the beauty around us and the beauty in that which happens in our lives. Regularly take time to just sit, to be still. Don't run yourself into the ground, you are a valuable part of the world, take time to see this.

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