Friday 1 September 2017

Gospel of Friday 1st September 20017- Twenty- first week in Ordinary Time

Today I decided to join the Kiltegan Fathers for mass. I was struck by the Gospel and felt the desire to reflect. It is not often that I am struck in such a way by a weekday Gospel.

"So stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour." Matt 25:13
Today's Gospel came from Matthew 25:1-13. It was the Gospel of the ten bridesmaids. those that waited for the bridegroom with their lamps, 5 brought extra oil while 5 did not bring extra oil for their lamps. They waited awhile before hearing that the bridegroom was near. The lamps needed more oil at this stage but half the bridesmaids did not have more oil for their lamps. They asked the others for some but those that brought extra oil feared the oil their oil would not be enough for them all so they sent them away to buy oil. When they were gone the bridegroom arrived, went in to the wedding hall and closed the door. those that had went to buy oil could not get in when they returned. 

This Gospel appears as a parable told by Jesus to his disciple. He was specifically speaking about the kingdom of heaven here. Jesus often spoke in parables in order to ensure that only those that were meant to hear the message would hear it. this parable..... what was his message? The parable finishes beautifully by telling them that they do not know the day or the hour. We do not know the time in which the kingdom of heaven will come us, we must always be ready. Jesus is not telling us that we must physically stay awake at all times but we must be ready to encounter the Lord at all times, prepared for our time to enter heaven. If we are spiritually sleeping we cannot embrace it fully. So stay awake, be ready. Nobody knows the time when the kingdom of heaven will come. We must not be foolish like the bridesmaids  in today's Gospel who went to meet the bridegroom even though they were not fully prepared. Let us be like the wise bridesmaids and be prepared at all times. By being prepared we will ensure we do not miss out on anything. Would you enter a race without first putting in the preparation? No! Well, we cannot embrace the kingdom of heaven, the Lord without being prepared. So stay awake, be prepared for the day, for the hour!

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