Tuesday 21 March 2017

An Update- Things starting to really come together

It has been a few weeks since my last update on my trip to Uganda. A lot has happened since my last update so I thought I would fill ye in.

On the topic of fundraising, to date I have raised 530 euro. Thank you to everybody who has donated so far. As my last post said I am doing a 24 fast on April 22/ 23. Live updates will be posted on Facebook. If people would like to support my fast or just my trip to Uganda, in general, you can do so at idonate.ie/melissauganda. Alternatively, if you do not want to donate online you can give me the donation in person, just message me and we will arrange to meet. If you are not in a position to meet me before July and don't want to donate through the idonate website drop me a line and we will sort something. Nothing is impossible so don't feel confined to donating using a method that you are not comfortable with. In relation to the idonate website I would appreciate my friends living abroad could log on to the site just to let me know if ye can access from abroad..... The curiosity is really getting to me. Thanks.

I believe that the Student Union in IT Carlow are running a Pool Tournament in the next couple of weeks in order to raise funds. I applied for a permit with the Gardai last week to place a collection bucket in the Student Union so hopefully that will be approved soon. Hopefully we will get a soccer match in also.

I decided to hold a raffle through the leisure centre in the Talbot Hotel in Carlow which was possible with the kind support of the manager. I am currently collecting items to place in a hamper. If you would like to donate to this hamper please let me know, all items will be appreciated. It is a food and drink hamper but if you want to donate something that does not quite fit into this category we will find a way to fit it in so that it does not look out of place. Mark in the leisure centre has said they would donate 3 months membership so that is the second prize. And then the third prize is a 100 euro tandem parachute jump voucher kindly offered to me by a friend at the weekend. The raffle is taking place on Tuesday April 11th and tickets are being sold in the leisure centre.  I hope to go live on Facebook with the raffle.

I remembered last night that I should be getting tickets to the last day of the races in Punchestown. When I get them I will be selling them and putting the money towards my trip. I don't know yet is I will give them to the highest offer or what..... I will have to think about it.

I have applied for a permit for a church gate collection. As it has happened 1 permit has turned into two as I could not get the date I wanted in the two Churches. So on April 30th I have a Church Gate collection in Bennekerry, Carlow and then on July 15/16 I have a church gate collection in Askea, Carlow. I am looking for volunteers to help me with the collection in Askea as there are 4 doors in the Church and 3 masses. Anyone interested in helping message me. Also if people have buckets which could be used as collection buckets that they would like to lend to me I would be very grateful.

Hopefully in May and June I will be able to hold a few coffee mornings, Fr Andy in Tullow has already been suggesting one in Tullow. Also, a no uniform day is on the cards in Ballinamere I believe, must give Ms Cusack a shout to double check that.

The Travel
Yesterday I got my e tickets for my journey. VMM International looked after the booking of the flights. They came in a tad more expensive than they anticipated. I leave Ireland on the evening of July 17th landing in Uganda around Midday on July 18th. We leave Uganda on Monday 14th August, again in the evening and are due to land in Ireland bright and early on the 15th August, 5.40 AM!!

So now that all the travelling is sorted I can concentrate on my fundraising. Awaiting a date for pre trip training, hopefully it does not clash with college or anything.

Remember donations can be made at idonate.ie/melissauganda or by contacting me directly.

Thank you

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